Pawtectors Kindness Club Membership
BundleBe a Superhero for Animals Year-Round! Join ANNUAL (Per Family): $100 ($224 SAVINGS!) vs $27 "Missions". Monthly Animal Adventures, Contests, Jr. Reporter Topics, Fun Facts, Kindness Activities, Community Service Ideas. Pet Ownership Not Required.
How You Can Be A Superhero For Animals
CourseThis FREE SUPERHERO "MISSION" introduces the basics of animal compassion and kindness, explores essential animal needs, and celebrates the special gifts animals bring to our lives. It also includes a list of creative ways Pawtectors can help homeless
Random Acts of Animal Kindness
CourseIn this Superhero MISSION, you'll learn the importance of kindness and compassion, not just for people, but for our furry, feathered, and scaly friends too! Get ready to discover exciting ways to spread love and care to animals in need.
Spay and Neuter Awareness plus "FIX-BY-5"
CourseIn this SUPERHERO Mission, you're going to learn SPAY, NEUTER, and TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) basics. We also share the "FIX-BY-5" campaign to keep animal "babies from having babies"! This MISSION is perfect for Pawtectors to help make a difference!
Winter Pet Safety
CourseThis SUPERHERO "MISSION" is about WINTER PET SAFETY! Discover essential winter care tips for your pets! Learn about cold weather precautions and unsafe winter products for animals, and how to help stray/outdoor animals in this important mission!
Superheroes for Senior Pets!
CourseThis SUPER-HERO Mission is all about senior pets. How to care for them, why they may end up homeless, how to help senior pets in need, and MORE!